How to Secure a Stroller: 6 Expert Tips for Baby Safety

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How to Secure a Stroller 7 Expert Tips for Baby Safety

However, even having a stroller, top of child safety comes first and this involves how to secure a stroller. A stroller provides comfortable usage to a user, though it poses dangers if not handled carefully. It does not matter whether you and your baby are on a stroll in the park or walking through a crowded street, it is paramount to secure the baby in the stroller at all times to prevent any mishaps and put your mind at ease.

This article presents 7 tips for securing a stroller correctly. These tips are readily usable, and you will be able to avoid all the basic stroller accidents listed. From positioning little babies to strapping them with the harness, the tips are uncomplicated, and everyone will find them helpful.

However, it is now time to investigate further and learn how to prevent your child from unnecessary risks when using a stroller.

Why Securing Your Stroller is Essential for Baby Safety

Going out with a baby and strapping the stroller may look like an easy thing to do, but to some extent, it is very crucial for the safety of the child. An improperly locked stroller leads to many hazards such as overturns, roll aways and even slipping of the child out of the stroller. Such occurrences can happen in a split second especially if people are in a hurry or when there are bumps to the stroller.

It only takes a few extra minutes on the parent’s part to solve these troubles by strapping the stroller as it should. This includes ensuring that the wheels are fully locked, the buckle is tightened or just looking at the surrounding area. All levels of safety measures taken when using a stroller need to be in place in case anything goes wrong as the chances of getting up for the second opportunity close in on you.

Next, we have seven observations that when taken into consideration can assist you in retracting your baby’s stroller and thus every time you go out to run some errands with the baby, he or she remains safe and comfortable.

1- Lock the Stroller Wheels on Uneven Surfaces

One of the easiest ways to keep your stroller immobilized is by locking the wheels. This is even more crucial in situations where even one wheel is on an incline, for instance on stairs, hills, ramps or on uneven surfaces. Unlocked wheels will be the reason the stroller rolls away and endangers your baby.

Most of stroller models have their wheel locks integrated into their frame and can be found near the rear wheels. Make it a point that each time you take a brake, rest or even for just a second, you turn the locks on the wheels. Whenever you are about to take something from a bag, have a little chit chat with a friend, take a moment and lock the wheels of the stroller.

Every time you stop and take that little action, you prevent incidents and also ensure that the child use stroller would remain as it was left, irrespective of where you go with it.

2- Always Secure the 5-Point Harness

Always Secure the 5-Point Harness

The 5-point harness is one essential feature of the stroller safety features. However, it is important to use correctly in order to keep your baby safely on the seat. The above method consists of strap attachments, which go over the baby’s shoulders, one around the waist, and one in between the legs, , ensuring that they can’t slip or wiggle out of the seat.

As in all things, try to put in some effort before they are out with their child in a stroller by making sure the harness is on and that all aspects of the harness are personalized. As for the straps, these should post no restraints on their bodies other than lying flat against them. You also need to do an assessment of the harnesses, especially as your baby grows, to make sure, whatever age they are in, the harness fills correctly. If the child is still quite small and isn’t using the five-point harness, then they may lean and fall out of the stroller if not properly secured with the straps, as this will be rarely used.

You are putting a reinforcing measure in place by ensuring that you put on the 5-point harness, making it impossible for the little ones to tip over or feel uncomfortable during your outing.

3- Regularly Inspect Your Stroller’s Condition

Like all other forms of baby equipment, you should also have periodic maintenance on your stroller to ascertain that it is in good working order. After a long period of using a stroller, sections such as the wheels, brakes and frame may tend to wear out. If something is not working well, it may act as a threat to the safety of the child.

Develop the habit of examining your stroller before using it. Every time the stroller is used, inspect whether the wheels are functioning, that is whether they can rotate freely and that they have not been worn out or become wobbly. Verify that the brakes are functioning effectively to secure the stroller in an immovable position. Check the entire frame for any signs of damage especially cracks or weak points,  and test the harness to make sure it locks securely.

You can make every excursion a wonderful experience for your baby by carefully checking out your stroller and making repairs when necessary to prevent future breakdowns, thereby guaranteeing that each trip will be pleasant.

4- Use a Wrist Strap for Extra Security

There are strollers that include a wrist strap, where you can slip your wrist while pushing. This simple feature enhances security, especially when going down a hill and running after a toddler or when in congested places. Even when you lose grip on the handle, the wrist strap allows the stroller to stay connected to you and not roll away.

It is natural to use the wrist strap when going down the hill since this is the time most users lose control of the stroller. It is also beneficial in and around populated areas like parks or malls because one moment of distraction can lead to letting go of the handle.

Attaching the wrist strap is easy and quick and no matter what scenario you are in, it guarantees that your stroller remains within your control.

5- Never Leave Your Stroller Unattended

Stepping away from your stroller for a split second may appear innocuous, but it may turn out to be highly dangerous. This is a very dangerous thing. Even with brakes on, the chance of a stroller rolling away undetected, tipping over, or drawing attention even in public places is higher.

When you feel the need to go somewhere, even for a little while, make sure that you either carry your kid with you or that you leave the stroller in the care of people you can trust. People take a very careless attitude while leaving strollers outside. Even if it’s for the shortest while, one is always so willing to leave the child unattended in a stroller, which is not good practice. To solve this situation, it would help if there were people around the stroller all the time.

There is always a risk when a stroller is not secured, and a child is placed in it. In order to eliminate the risk, whenever the baby is put back in the stroller, the parent should also sit close to it.

6- Secure the Stroller When Traveling

It does not matter whether using public transport, when traveling by car, when traveling by plane there is substantial risk regarding how the stroller should be secured when in motion. Outdoor activities with a stroller that is not secured during travel pose the risk of being shifted, damaged and even causing injury.

For traveling by car, the stroller should always be collapsed and stored in the trunk or in an appropriate section where it is not capable of moving around. If it is traveling on public transport, it is best to carry a stroller where you can use it for a short time and in a safe position when locked, or use safety straps if any situation permits.

If you are going to use the baby stroller while traveling abroad, it is advisable to get a stroller travel bag to keep the item protected when traveling. When the stroller is used for navigating different transport systems, proper guidelines should be followed in order to ensure that by the time you arrive at your destination, the stroller is fully stowed and ready for use unlike being a troublesome burden.

Providing means of securing your stroller such as belts or straps during travel helps reduce the accidents or damages that may be incurred by your baby and the stroller thus carrying out the trip without any stress.

Common Mistakes Parents Make When Securing a Stroller (And How to Avoid Them)

1- Not Locking the Wheels

One of the most common mistakes is leaving the wheel locks off, particularly on sloping scenes like stairs or sidewalks portable strollers. If the wheel lock is not engaged, the stroller can quite easily roll away, endangering the baby. Engaging the wheel brake system takes seconds to do but helps avert big accidents. Create a rule of locking the wheels each and every time you stop, even if it’s just for a short break.

2- Improper Use of the Harness

Some parents think that leaving the harness a bit loose gives their baby more freedom to move, which is a plus. But, it also raises the risk of their baby slipping out or leaning overly much to the front. A 5-point harness should be snug around your child’s shoulders, on the child’s shoulders, waist, and between their legs. A child’s chest width may change, but the belt should remain the same.  Always check that the straps lie flat and are properly adjusted to your baby’s size. A secure harness keeps your baby comfortable while making sure they stay safe.

3- Overloading the Stroller

Excessive weight load on the handles when heavy shopping bags are already hung there leads to misbalance, and, at other times, it’s easy to tip the stroller, especially if you are going over bumps or curbs. Rather than hanging bags onto the handles, place the bags into the storage basket available under the stroller, as it is made to carry such loads without any strain. You can also wear packed-up things, such as a bag that can be worn once or a weighed-out bag, and evenly distribute those things one more time.

4- Ignoring Regular Maintenance

Stroller maintenance is as important as car maintenance because related risks of injury to both toddlers and adults are evident. With the passage of time, the wheels may develop a lot of fatigue, the brakes can lose their efficacy, and the structure can become a problem. Have a glimpse of the stroller on a regular basis to avoid things becoming too troublesome. Check whether there are any damages, and if anything does not seem to work right, don’t hesitate to seek maintenance. Protecting your stroller from damage will not only ensure that it serves you for a long period of time but also protect your baby.

5- Leaving the Stroller Unattended

While you are pushing the stroller or parking it, , leaving your stroller unattended can lead to a number of issues. It might collapse if someone runs into it since it might not be secured. Especially in crowded venues such as malls or parks, do not let go of the stroller or borrow it to someone for babysitting. Child safety is always of concern and in situations like this it is always better to be safe.

Final Stroller Safety Tips for Peace of Mind

The stroller may roll away, or it may be hooked on something. With the help of the expert tips available in this guide, every time you go out with your baby, you will be able to keep this child protected and at ease. From locking the wheels to buckling the harness correctly to common errors that should be avoided, all of these aspects are very significant to injuries.

Do not forget to exercise all the precautionary measures, such as inspecting the stroller regularly, using the provided stroller safety features, and staying alert when you’re out and about. Doing these small things will give you reassurance knowing that your baby is secure. It is every parent’s happiness to be carrying their babies about, and stroller safety is one of the things that should never be ignored. With few easy measures taken, it becomes quite pleasant to handle the baby all the time. If you want some tips on choosing the best stroller for your child, then you must visit this guide.


Protecting a child in a stroller is a matter that every responsible parent knows how to handle. Following the seven expert tips, you can reduce basketball stroller accidents. The cost will be incurred whenever the child is at ease and safe. Everything from turning locked wheels to constricting the 5-point harness in place, each of them is an added advantage that ensures ease of your outings.

The issue of stroller safety goes beyond the picture of simply adhering to rules, as it encompasses attaining comfort. Proper and constant use of the stroller’s safety features will allow you to have the comfort in the outdoors with your baby. Keep alert, perform these activities on the schedule, , and you’ll be setting a solid foundation for safe and happy adventures with your little one.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Securing a Stroller

1- Why is it important to secure a stroller properly?

Securing a stroller properly is crucial for your baby’s safety. A poorly secured stroller can lead to accidents such as tipping over, rolling away, or your child slipping out of the harness. By following safety practices like locking the wheels and using the 5-point harness, you prevent these risks and ensure your child remains safe during outings.

2- How do I make sure my stroller won’t roll away?

To prevent your stroller from rolling away, always engage the wheel locks whenever you stop. These locks are typically found near the rear wheels and will keep the stroller stationary, even on uneven surfaces like slopes or hills. Additionally, using a wrist strap can help keep control of the stroller when you’re walking.

3- What is a 5-point harness, and why should I use it?

A 5-point harness is a safety feature in strollers that includes straps over the shoulders, around the waist, and between the legs. It helps to keep your baby securely in place, preventing them from slipping or leaning too far forward. Using the harness every time ensures that your child is well-protected while in the stroller.

4- Can I hang bags on the stroller handles?

While it may seem convenient, hanging heavy bags on the stroller handles can cause it to tip over due to an uneven weight distribution. Instead, use the storage basket under the stroller to store items safely.

5- How often should I check the condition of my stroller?

It’s a good idea to inspect your stroller regularly, ideally before each use. Check the wheels to ensure they’re not worn out, the brakes to see if they engage properly, and the harness to make sure it’s working and fits your child correctly. Regular maintenance helps prevent accidents and ensures your stroller lasts longer.

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