How to Fold a B.O.B. Stroller Easily in 5 Simple Steps

by stroll
How to Fold a B.O.B. Stroller Easily in 5 Simple Steps

How to fold a B.O.B stroller may seem complicated, especially for first-time users. However, there is no need to panic! With the right guidance, you’ll be well on your way to having your stroller folded and ready for use in no time. In this article, we are going to provide you with detailed information step by step, and it`s going to be very straightforward. It doesn’t matter if you are trying to make room in your apartment or trying to fit the stroller in the car; there is always a proper way to store the B.O.B., which will save you from a lot of trouble.

These strollers are quite popular due to their quality and performance, but that also means that they will require several steps to be followed when it is time to put them away. Hence, mastering the folding procedure is crucial as it simplifies a person’s daily operations. Moreover, folding your stroller properly reduces its chances of wearing out, making it more durable. Want to learn how to fold your B.O.B. stroller? Here’s how you go about it!

Why It’s Important to Know How to Fold a B.O.B. Stroller

Saving storage space may not be the only answer to the question, for there’s more to learning how to fold a B.O.B. stroller than merely making sure that it fits somewhere when you’re in a hurry to pack up after a walk in the park or a shopping trip, knowing how to fold the stroller quickly and safely can save you time and stress. Hence, the procedures for folding a baby stroller are straightforward. Of course, it also makes it safer for you and your child since everything that encompasses that action is done right, making sure no fingers are pinched and no strollers get jammed in the process.

Another advantage is that it helps preserve the functional aspects of the stroller. If you place it wrong, you are more likely to break the structure or the fabric of the stroller. Moreover, a stroller in a well-folded position takes up less space either in your house or car as there will be space available for the other items.

In the end, however, if you decide to use your stroller on trips, there is the advantage of making the fold, as it allows navigating through narrow places. If you do it quickly, you will be more in control of your day. Thus, when you go shopping on B.O.B. strollers, it’s only proper to fold one up; it’s all the more practical –it’s an important part of your daily routine as a parent.

Understanding the Key Parts of a B.O.B. Stroller

Understanding the Key Parts of a B.O.B. Stroller

It’s important to note the general parts of the B.O.B. stroller, as this will assist in the folding step. Once you have all this knowledge, it will be very simple to work around folding it and ensure that you do it safely.

Below are some of the main parts that you will be using:

The Frame: It is the main structure of the stroller, which supports everything else.  The frame is built for easy collapse, but that’s only if you know how to unlock it.

Folding Levers or Triggers: These can be found towards either side of the handle of the stroller. Make use of these levers or pull down on these triggers to release the stroller for folding.

Brakes: In most B.O.B. stroller models, parking brakes are provided on the back wheels. Using these will prevent the movement of the stroller while it is being folded.

Front Wheel Lock: A lockable front wheel, which swivels to enhance the direction and ease of navigation, is provided in some B.O.B. strollers. Locking the wheel in place first can be beneficial in the folding process.

Safety Straps or Latches: Such straps are used to tighten the stroller when it has been folded making sure it does not expand when on the move or in storage.

Knowing these parts will give you sufficient confidence while you are un folding the B.O.B. stroller. Once you know where everything is, the folding process will feel much more intuitive.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Fold a B.O.B. Stroller

Now that you are familiar with the essential features of your B.O.B. stroller, the next step is to focus on folding the stroller. It is important to perform these simple steps to ensure that the stroller does not get left behind.

Step 1: Engage the Parking Brakes

First things first, do not forget to apply the parking brakes so that the stroller does not move around. This will stop any unwanted movements when folding the stroller. The brake is typically located at the rear, and you just have to step on it until you hear it locking in place.

Step 2: Lock the Front Wheel in Place

If the stroller has a swiveling front wheel, make sure to lock it to make the folding process hassle-free. This contributes to the stability of the stroller, especially when folding, when one of your hands is fully occupied.

Step 3: Pull the Folding Levers

The folding levers or triggers, which are mostly at the end of the handlebar or on the sides of a stroller, are identifiable. The locking device of the stroller that holds it open will only be released if you pull both the levers towards you simultaneously.

Step 4: Collapse the Stroller

You will then need to gently push the handlebars forward once the levers are pulled back. The folding process of the stroller will now begin. Make sure you guide it as it folds to avoid any sudden movements or jerks.

That being said, after taking the steps outlined above, it becomes very easy and fast to fold your B.O.B. stroller, which one is carrying for the journey or packing for the journey. If you also want some amazing reversible strollers then must visit this guide.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Folding a B.O.B. Stroller

As much as it may seem that folding up a B.O.B. stroller is easy once you learn how to do it, this procedure has its challenges. There are, however, some common pitfalls that people fall for and which are best avoided. Avoiding them will save you time and help avoid damaging your stroller.

1. Forgetting to Engage the Brakes

One of the most common mistakes is accidentally forgetting to put the parking brakes when it’s time to fold the stroller. If it is not in position, the possibility of the stroller rolling as you fold can be very high which makes the folding more difficult and unsafe. Always lock the brakes as the first step to secure the stroller.

2. Not Locking the Front Wheel

If your B.O.B. stroller has a front swiveling wheel, you will find that it is helpful to lock it up before folding rather than not at all. An unlocked front wheel has been known to cause movement or imbalance of the stroller, which could, for example, tend to create problems or damage.

3. Applying Too Much Force

People tend to think that in order to fold the stroller quickly, one has to leverage oneself to push it anyway or maybe pull the levers with a lot of force, which isn’t the case. There is a sequential way of folding B.O.B. strollers without them having to get stuck. Too much force may also result in the wearing out of some parts of the strollers faster than normal.

4. Skipping the Safety Strap or Latch

Once the stroller has collapsed, the safety strap or safety latch needs to be secured. Some parents tend to ignore this for no apparent reason. However, this prevents the stroller from flipping out unwarrantably, which is especially helpful when one is carrying the stroller into a car or a place to keep it.

5. Not Folding the Stroller Completely

Some people tend to go only to a point without fully collapsing the stroller. This may cause trouble when it comes to keeping it and may also leave parts of the stroller out that could break or cause the stroller to open by itself. Ensure that the stroller is inward folded and secured before it is retired for storage.

Adopting these mistakes as a guideline, one can easily be assured that it is possible to fold the B.O.B. stroller as fast as possible without causing any danger or undue inconvenience.

How to Store Your B.O.B. Stroller After Folding

After folding your B.O.B. stroller successfully, the next challenge is how to store it to avoid damage. There are various acceptable practices that you can adopt for maintaining the safety of your stroller so as to extend its lifespan.

1. Find a Dry, Safe Spot

Drying and keeping your stroller in a warm place is critical. Where there is moisture, there is metal rust, and strollers are made from metal parts and fabrics. The garage, closet, or trunk where you intend to keep it should not be too humid or very hot. In case your house is very damp, you might need to consider including moisture-absorbing sachets in the container for dry storage. Exposure of the stroller to extreme climatic conditions, such as the sun, which can cause it to lose its color and get worn out, should be withheld.

2. Use a Stroller Cover

Moreover, if you have decided to take a break from using the stroller for a longer time or even for a few hours between outings, getting a stroller cover seems like the right option. This prevents the dust and dirt on it and allows for additional coverage from scratches and scuff marks. There are bags that protect strollers from the rain and get them wet when spills happen. B.O.B. strollers come with covers, which can easily be obtained online to ensure there are wrench-free covers available.

3. Avoid Piling Heavy Items on Top

Do not put heavy things such as the above and other bulky things of their kind on the stroller when you place them for storage. Too much-packed weight can either warp the frame or damage the wheels. Always put it where there are no things that can be piled up on it. Even light bags can stress the folded stroller as well as alter its shape if placed over it. If there is no room inside and the stroller is left outside, it is advisable to keep a small part of a shelf in the storeroom only for a stroller so that the chance of scraping the stroller is minimized.

4. Make It Easily Accessible

When you’re using your stroller on a regular basis, keep it in such a way that it will be easy to grab it when you’re going out. If you fold it up nicely and put it in a wardrobe or at the front of the garage, it will come in handy, especially when you’re rushing.  Keeping it close to the door or in the trunk of your car can make spontaneous outings smoother. Skip putting the stroller in places that would require a lot of energy to retrieve because it would only add to frustration, especially when you’re short on time.

5. Check for Any Damage Before Storing

Before putting your stroller away, it’s a good idea to check it for any signs of wear or damage. If you face any issue, address them right away to prevent any further damage and keep your stroller in top shape. Common problems include loose screws, worn tires, or tears in the fabric. A quick inspection each time you store the stroller can extend its life and keep it functioning at its best. This also ensures that it’s ready for use whenever you need it.

Troubleshooting Folding Issues with Your B.O.B. Stroller

In some situations, using the B.O.B. stroller folding feature may be a bit of a hassle. There is no reason to be anxious because most of the complications that you are likely to experience are very simple and merely require a few tweaks. Here are common folding problems and their solutions.

1. Stuck Folding Levers

If you find that the folding levers are performing their functions, and they should not be, they may just need a little lubrication. Gradually, with time, some particles would accumulate in the moving parts, making it hard to pull as they should. Use a dry lubricant spray, which can be bought from nearly any hardware shot, to make the levers run well without friction. Also, it is advisable that you pull both levers together since it is the case in some models that require even pressures on both straps for the mechanism to be released.

2. Front Wheel Not Locking

If the front wheel is not capable of locking into place, this may cause annoyance while folding. Try to ensure that the lock is cleaned thoroughly before usage if it has sand and other obstacles. Every once in a while, tiny boulders or mud may become lodged in, and this prevents the wheel from locking seamlessly. A quick clean with a cloth can fix this. Other than that, you should consider changing the locking pin itself or contacting the manufacturer for spare parts. Most importantly, do not forget to lock the wheel in place as it can help in folding the stroller with no problems.

3. Stroller Doesn’t Collapse Completely

If your stroller is not collapsing fully for some reason, check whether any part of the frame or fabric is being gripped by the folding member. This can often happen, especially if some accessory or blowing strapping is loose and gets in the way. Before attempting to fold, ensure that all straps, toys, and any other items are off the area to prevent obstruction. If there is no obstruction in the fold, then gently shake the stroller to encourage the frame to fold down into its locked position. Sometimes, just a small nudge will help the stroller fold properly.

4. Latch Not Securing the Fold

In case the latch that locks in the folded stroller is not clipping in any further, it is worth investigating whether there is a blockage such as dirt or any other form of obstruction. It may also be possible that the latch may have been slightly bent or placed out of alignment for some time. Try restoring the alignment of the parts by hand. If this does not help, you may have to acquire a new latch either from the manufacturer or a local repair shop.

5. Wheels Getting Stuck

You may be surprised that when you try to fold the stroller, the wheels are getting stuck. Examine the wheels for any foreign materials. Items such as twigs, dir,t, or even small stones can get trapped in the wheelbase, making it harder to fold the stroller in. It’s normal to wash the wheels once in a while to ensure that the stroller works properly. In cases where, after doing all this, the wheels remain firm in place, the problem could be due to insufficient lubrication or replacing the worn-out or thin tires.

By troubleshooting these common issues, you’ll be able to keep your B.O.B. stroller folding smoothly for years to come.


The First Attempts in Folding the B.O.B. stroller may look delicate and complicated but after you go through the steps a couple of times it gets very easy. In this guide and with some trial and error on common problems, you will have no trouble with any folding whether it is on your way home or just packing it. Understanding how to fold the stroller without complications is important because it will also relieve you of space churn and keep the stroller in great condition for a long time.

Do not forget that all of these processes make your experience a little bit longer, but they increase the comfort and security of the straightforward process in the end. It does not matter whether it is the very first baby for the parents or whether they have some experience; once you master this skill of folding B.O.B. strollers, you will definitely save your time and will be able to run away and enjoy your little trips as every day’s task has become a whole new level of convenience. So, next time you’re on the go, you’ll be folding your B.O.B. stroller with confidence!

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